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On-going work


  • Hyun Joon Jung, JinYoung Kim, and Imed Zitouni, Ahmed Hassan, Task-level Search Engine Evaluation: A Comparative Approach with Crowd Assessors, ACM SIGIR, 2015 (in review) 

  • Hyun Joon Jung and Matthew Lease. Time-Series Modeling of Crowd Work for Quality Assurance in Crowdsourcing, ACM Transactions on Intelligent System and Technology, 2015 (in review)

  • Hyun Joon Jung and Imed Zitouni. Quality Control in Crowdsourced Complex Search Tasks, ACM SIGIR, 2015 (in review)

  1. Hyunjoon Jung, Hyuck Han, Hyungsoo Jung and Heon Y. Yeom "Dynamic and finegrained authentication and authorisation for grid computing", Int. J. Critical Infrastructures, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2008

Refreed Conference & Workshop
  1. Hyun Joon Jung and Matthew Lease.  A Discriminative Approach to Predicting Assessor Accuracy, The 37th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), 2015  [to appear], Samsung Human Tech Paper Award: Silver prize winner 

  2. Hyun Joon Jung, Yubin Park, Matthew Lease, Predicting Next Label Quality: A Time-Series Model of Crowdwork. The 2nd AAAI Conference on Human Computation & Crowdsourcing (HCOMP) 2014. [pdf]

  3. Hyun Joon Jung. Quality Assurance in Crowdsourcing via Matrix Factorization based Task Routing. In Proceedings of World Wide Web (WWW) Ph.D. Symposium 2014. [pdf ]

  4. Hyun Joon Jung and Matthew Lease. UT Austin in the TREC 2012 Crowdsourcing Track's Image Relevance Assessment Task. In Proceedings of the 21st NIST Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) 2013. [pdf]

  5. Hyun Joon Jung, Matthew Lease, Inferring Missing Relevance Judgments from Crowd Workers via Probabilistic Matrix Factorization, In Proceedings of the 35th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval (SIGIR). 2012. [pdf]

  6. Hyun Joon Jung, Matthew Lease, Improving Quality of Crowdsourced Labels via Probabilistic Matrix Factorization, In Proceedings of Twenty-Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-12) Human Computation Workshop (HComp) 2012, Toronto, Canada [pdf]

  7. Daniel P. Miranker, Rodolfo K. Depena, Hyunjoon Jung, Juan F. Sequeda and Carlos Reyna. (2012) Diamond: A SPARQL Query Engine, for Linked Data Based on the Rete Match. In Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence meets the Web of Data Workshop, co-located at European Conference on Artificial Inteligence (ECAI) 2012, Montpellier, France [pdf]

  8. Daniel P. Miranker, Rodolfo K. Depena, Hyunjoon Jung, Juan F. Sequeda and Carlos Reyna. (2012) Diamond Debugger Demo: Rete-Based Processing of Linked Data. In The 6th International Symposium on Rules Challenge at RuleML 2012 (Demo) , Montpellier, France.

  9. Matthew Lease, Gabriella Kazai, Hyun Joon Jung, Overview of the TREC 2011 Crowdsourcing Track, TREC (Text Retrieval Conference) 2011.

  10. Hyun Joon Jung, J.K. Aggarwal, A Binary Stock Event Model for Stock Forecasting, IEEE Intelligent Systems and Distributed Artificial Intelligence (ISDA) 2011, Cordoba, Spain. [link]

  11. Hyun Joon Jung, Matthew Lease, Spam Worker Filtering and Featured-Voting based Consensus Accuracy Improvement. In Proceedings of CrowdConf, 2011.San Francisco, USA

  12. Hyun Joon Jung, Matthew Lease, Improving Consensus Accuracy via Z-score and Weighted Voting, In Proceedings of Twenty-Fifth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-11) Human Computation Workshop (HCOMP) 2011, August 2011, San Francisco, USA [pdf]

  13. Hyunjoon Jung, Hyeonsun Song, View-centric Operational Transformation for Collaborative Editing, IEEE CollaborateCom 2006. November, 2006, Atlanta, USA [link]

  14. Hyunjoon Jung, Hyuck Han, Heon Y. Yeom, Hee-Jae Park, Jysoo Lee, COEDIG: Collaborative Editor in Grid Computing, The Eighth Asia Pacific Web Conference, Jan. 2006, Harbin, China [link]

  15. Hyunjoon Jung, Hyuck Han, Hyungsoo Jung and Heon Y. Yeom In, Flexible Authentication and Authorization Architecture for Grid Computing, IEEE ICPPW'05 pp, 61-77 [pdf]

  16. Hyunjoon Jung, Hyuck Han, Hyungsoo Jung and Heon Y. Yeom In, Dynamic and Fine-grained Authentication and Authorization Architecture in grid computing, ICCS 2005, January, 2005, Atlanta, USA. [link]

Technical Report

  1. ​ Hyun Joon Jung and Matthew Lease. Crowdsourced Task Routing via Matrix Factorization. Technical report, University of Texas at Austin, October 2013. arXiv:1310.5142.

  2.  Hyun Joon Jung and Matthew Lease. Evaluating Classifiers Without Expert Labels. Technical report, University of Texas at Austin, December 2012. arXiv:1212.0960.

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Seoul National University, Master

​Mar, 2004 - Feb, 2006

Laboratory of ​Distributed Computing System. Research on distributed computing, collaborative computing, scientific computing

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